Saturday, June 24, 2006


I'm not much of a poet -- only written a handful of halfway decent poems in my life, and this is one. Wanna hear it? Here it go........


The next one
Will be the best one
Nothing like the ones before
Sold out
Able to hold out
Not just looking for a cheap ‘score’

Not simply knowing
But also growing
True in his thoughts, words, and his deeds
Faithful in keeping
All that he’s speaking
Meek enough to follow
Strong enough to lead

Inspiring reverence
Just by his presence
Known for his heart, more than head or hand
Balanced in his living
Caring and forgiving
A truly godly kind of man

Not drenched with pride
Secure on the inside
But also solid in his outer affairs
Yet not chasing the ‘dream’
Focusing on what’s unseen
Not choked by fleeting, worldly cares

Forever serving
Never swerving
In his goal to reach the lost
Lavish risk-taking
In his disciple-making
Pouring out his soul, no matter the cost

Yet always working
To keep from hurting
The fragile ties to family
Showing his love
Placing home far above
Even the noblest ministry

At peace in his skin
With who he is, where he’s been
Learning from – not living in – times past
Fully embracing
Not afraid of facing
Today and tomorrow with strength to last

Yep, the next one
Will be the best one
Nothing like the ones before
Loving me sweetly
Loving me deeply
But loving his God
So very much more.