Saturday, September 16, 2006

Example of what I'm talking about

Below is a quote from Marcus Garvey that demonstrates how some black leaders of old had no problem stressing personal responsibility alongside critiquing the white racist power structure. (Note: This quote is not meant to be a support of Garvey's philosophy or tactics, especially his emphasis on segregation and his KKK connection. It's simply one example of how many respected Black leaders back in the day, of which he was one, had a strong self-reliant bent.)

From “Self-Reliance and Respect”:
“The Universal Negro Improvement Association teaches our race self-help and self-reliance, not only in one essential, but in all those things that contribute to human happiness and well-being. The disposition of the many to depend upon the other races for a kindly and sympathetic consideration of their needs, without making the effort to do for themselves, has been the race's standing disgrace by which we have been judged and through which we have created the strongest prejudice against ourselves...
The Negro must be up and doing if he will break down the prejudice of the rest of the world. Prayer alone is not going to improve our condition, nor the policy of watchful waiting. We must strike out for ourselves in the course of material achievement, and by our own effort and energy present to the world those forces by which the progress of man is judged.”
- The Right Excellent Marcus Mosiah Garvey -

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