Friday, April 21, 2006

Two More Good Books

Eh, here are the latest good books I'm reading:

1) Jim Collins' Good To Great. This book was recommended to me by so many people in the past and finally I'm getting to it. Well, it's definitely worth the wait! This Collins dude led a team of over twenty heads who researched businesses for five years. Their goal was to find traits that took companies from 'good to great'. Very surprising results for them, but not for me. The celebrity, cult-like business leader w. the savior complex who comes from the outside and rescues the company? NOT! Big myth, in terms of companies that have sustained productivity. Instead, these good to great companies are led by shy, self-effacing, almost nerdy yet focused and diligent folks who have a combo of personal humility and professional will. Tho' they are 'more workhorse than showhorse' (love that dang quote!), they fiercely, courageously make tough decisions and sacrifice their fame for the company's success and longevity. This is just a taste of the findings!

2) Stephen Ambrose's Eisenhower: Soldier and President. Good, readable, tho' long as heck look at our 34th Prez -- brief details of his upbringing and then tons of stuff on his leadership. Good read for non-history buffs like myself -- interesting enough to hold your attention and give you insight on this man and the situations he governed in this country and in the world.

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